This weekend was intended to be catch-up.
Which is foolish, a #noobMistake, because it is also shipwreck-weekend.
So it's 1:30 ante-meridian, and I've been encouraging myself to take one-more-nap since the minions were tucked; and I finally realize I've been #spirituallySuckerPunched. Because there's been a small, ever-so-quiet tape running in my head all weekend, suggesting the next-best-thing.
And I recognize the tape - it's a favorite tune, to be sure. It encourages all sorts of naughtiness that always, in the long run, bears a hole.
I haven't killed a man, wrecked havoc on a farm, or caused damage to property.
But I've overslept and overspent.
I've used weariness as justification for bad eating and worse: binging.
And I've used general tiredness as reiteration validation.
I've chosen video games over chores (some got done, more could have been completed).
I've quit on chores which were "relatively" necessary in favor of the quick-fix.
And I believe pride has gotten in the way of fixing something.
I certainly tried - but we're talking electrical.
Mostly I'm tired all the time.
I can't tell if this is an abnormal thing, something I'm simply supposed to get used to.
So many things we take for granted go away as we get older.
Likewise, some things are consequences of choices.
And, some things are still a third category - simply our dealt hand.
Lastly, some ... discomforts indicate an appetite.
And I am uncertain if my weariness is of the first three or the fourth.
Perhaps a mixture.
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